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Take a walk!

Oh, I am enjoying this cooler weather. Today is only going to be in the low 80’s. The last couple of weeks I have been trying to sit outside on the patio for every meal, even if the weather is too hot or brisk. I have a lovely patio – nestled in the treetops of Silver Lake and I so love being out there, but I often get caught up in my work, or just doing, that I forget to take a few minutes to enjoy it.

I ate breakfast and lunch out there today. The morning air was a little cool, but I love this dip in temperature. Lunch was just perfect!

I know that being outside is good for my soul! But it is also good for my productivity and my overall mood. I feel energized by the outside air. I like to get outside to soak up some sunshine, but even when the sun isn’t shining, the air is good too.

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. – John Muir

Yesterday, my mom and I walked through the Fern Dell section of Griffith Park and then did the hike up to the Observatory. It was a beautiful walk, but a grueling 1-mile uphill. We hadn’t planned on walking up, but it just seemed so close. We caught a red-headed woodpecker doing is work along the trail. More than just being outside, I think it is important to take time to notice nature. to bring it into focus. I like to see the leaves, the different shapes, the texture of the tree bark and the light as it peaks through the trees. Tonight on my walk in the park, I noticed a squirrel in a frozen position along the fence railing. I think he was standing still, so we wouldn’t notice him, but I saw him scramble up there and freeze. He stood holding a bright green nut in his mouth.

I hope you are getting outside and enjoying your Monday!


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